Sample essay on supportive employment policies and political issues for the mentally ill

Thursday, 7 May 2015.

Mental illness is growing rapidly in the workplace. Mental health issues are major drivers of disability at the global level. They are among the top 10 causes of disability. Countries are equally affected by mental illness, whether they are poor or rich. The effects are felt in all ethnic groups, years of age and race. In addition, researchers point to further mental health problems in the near future (Shaw et al., 2003)

The risks and burdens associated with mental health in the workplace should not be forgotten. It will be installed in 15 to 30 per cent of the staff, which is likely to experience mental health complications during work (UN, 2000). This issue has attracted a large number of political legislation and political attention. The purpose of this paper is to discuss political issues and the state, local strategies and federal employment levels of persons suffering from mental illness

In most countries, there is a legislative provision that states that the state of disability must not be a condition of life. For example, the United States Persons with Disabilities Act provides that employers must take into account considerations relating to the work of persons suffering from mental illness. This is necessary not only to provide support to such persons, but also to the employer in order to improve the good working conditions and relations (Atkins & Weiss, 2002)

Mental illness is linked to various problems, such as unemployment, lack of education and poverty, as well as other problems. High rates of depression are also high among those who do not work. Unemployment also has a significant impact on human health and well-being. In addition to these unsafe jobs, health complications are also present. For example, temporary workers face more labor in the workbench than permanent employees (SAMHSA, 2003)

Public policies are therefore crucial to reducing and promoting unemployment, as they have a positive impact on the mental well-being of people. Mental health policies in the workplace should be developed as a policy that is separate or part of health and safety policies. This ensures that all aspects of mental health are also considered (American Psychiatric Association, 2004). Examples of mental health policies in the workplace include reasons for health and good health. Few employers, at their age, act that good health equates to good business, and even less recognize the importance of mental health. “ However, there is an inclusive approach to staff welfare and mental health. These approaches include reducing absentee truancy, acquiring the necessary skills, creating good working relationships, promoting productivity, providing the best managers, supporting and ensuring the acceptance of all employees, and creating safe and efficient jobs

On the other hand, many enterprises face mental health problems in their jobs through policy development. Mental health policy generally helps to define the concept, as well as to improve the mental health of the workforce, as well as to establish a model of action. After the formulation, the policy not only defines the agreement between the employee and the employer, but also facilitates the interaction between the various stakeholders in the workplace. Mental health policies for mental health workers can be developed as part of occupational health and safety policies. The introduction of this policy will include analysis of the problems of mental illness, the development of actual policies, the formulation of strategies for its implementation, and the implementation of policies. There is a need for a high level of commitment and commitment on the part of the employer for policy development (American Psychiatric Association, 2004)

Mental illness policy is generally based on an understanding of the problems associated with the disease, which was obtained after a thorough assessment of the predictive situation (Shaw et al., 2003). This information can include data records from the Human Resources department, employment status records, health records, and financial reports. In addition, new information gathering is important. Research and surveys should be conducted to identify and develop mental illness in the workplace in order to identify health and safety risks in the workplace. Interviews with staff, managers, health workers and families are expected to be provided in order to obtain new information (American Psychiatric Association, 2004)

At the national level, the Government is responsible for the development of mental health, the provision of adequate treatment for mental illness and the prevention of mental health problems. The Government has also put pressure on jobs in its prevention and promotion strategies. In addition, the Government is the employer. However, administrative structures are highly dependent on the employment of persons suffering from mental illness. The Ministry of Health also assists the Government in the development of mental health policy, offers a framework for promoting mental health of employees and implements mental health strategies. In fact, mental health policy should determine the relationship between health and work (World Health Organization, 2005)

The Ministry of Labour, on the other hand, has a mandate to ensure health and safety in the workplace. This not only includes oversight and regulation of safety and health, but also the protection of the income of persons suffering from mental illness. Improving the management of mental health problems among staff results in changes in legislation accompanied by appropriate policy implementation

The Government also has a critical role to play in ensuring policy implementation and infrastructure that promotes mental health policy and ensures that staff suffering from mental health problems are adequately and adequately treated. These strategies cover issues such as discrimination, environmental security, income and other mental health issues noted by workers (American Psychiatric Association, 2004)

The United Nations has committed itself to ensuring that persons with disabilities have the same opportunities as without them, and they can participate in any economic activity that also includes work. Anti-Discrimination legislation has been introduced in many countries and has proved to be the most important and effective legislation, as it relates to the improvement and employment of mental health in the workplace. In 1993, the United Nations adopted the Standard Rules on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2000). The rules further identified several challenges that require rapid action and that have been insufficient to achieve equal opportunities for all people, including persons with disabilities. Some of these issues include information, health care, support services, rehabilitation and income security, employment and security services

In 1998, the International Labour Organization declared basic principles and rights to jobs that ensured the commitment of the Government, workers and employers. In addition, employers ‘ organizations supported the standards and principles in the three main areas of employment of persons with disabilities, including elimination, discrimination and promotion in the workplace, SAMHSA, 2003). Anti-discrimination legislation also prohibits discrimination against people with mental disabilities. The effectiveness of these laws depends on the model of disability and the cross-cutting nature of mental health problems, the equality dimension, for example, with regard to improving access to education and education, the introduction of legislation in civil, labour and criminal legislation. Anti-discrimination laws also include people with mental disabilities. The 1990 Act on Persons with Disabilities, for example, prohibits employers from discriminating against persons with mental disabilities in any aspect since candidates for work or staff deserve equal treatment (UN, 2000)

Anti-discrimination laws are illegal for employers who discriminate against people with mental illness and require employers to be responsible for creating conditions that encourage all people, including persons with disabilities, to work well in these companies (NIMH, n.d). The national Government, on the other hand, has numerous strategies that ensure the work of persons with mental illness or disability. These include the use of quota schemes, according to which some enterprises use a certain number of persons with disabilities; laws prohibiting discrimination, detention which prohibits employers from discriminating against persons with mental disabilities or persons with disabilities and requiring employers to keep their employees who are not working for them (American Psychiatric Association, 2004)

Staff also need protection against the cost of disability and illness. This should include both the loss of the cost of treatment and the loss of wages due to their inability to work. Financial security is based on three principles (Atkins & Weiss, 2002). First, staff should be protected from serious financial expenditures by reducing mental health costs. Second, healthy people should support patients by subsidizing their health care through strategies such as pre-payment for mental illness. Third, the rich should offer support to the poor

Most small businesses, on the other hand, face mental health problems in their workplace through policy development. Mental health policies generally help to define the purpose and vision of improving mental health through the development of an action model. Once the policy is formulated, it not only defines the agreement between the employees and the employer, but also facilitates the relationship between the various stakeholders in the workplace. Unfortunately, the majority of workers in small businesses or enterprises, self-employed or part-time workers do not have access to the protection of income from mental illness (UN, 2000). Such people are at serious risk of financial hardship and crisis in the event of mental health complications that limit their ability to work. Thus, employers and the Government must work together and devise ways to ensure that all staff are adequately protected from the financial crisis due to mental illness

Other policies and regulations on mental illness focus on the employer’s responsibilities in providing safe work environments (American Psychiatric Association, 2004). They are obliged to take measures to ensure job safety. For example, the International Labour Organization is developing programmes that provide and promote workplace safety. The main objective of the organization is to increase global awareness of the impact and aspects of mental illness, disease, injury and the capacity of industries and States to implement and develop effective policies and programmes, as well as to protect all staff

Most national laws deal with the safety of employees. For example, the Occupational Safety and Regulation Act of 1999 guarantees that employers will provide safe conditions for employers, access and manage mental health risks (Shaw et al., 2003). These laws also provide employers with the responsibility to ensure the safety of employees in the workplace and in support of, and assistance to, persons with disabilities. In order for such policies to be implemented, it requires an analysis of the problem of mental illness, the formulation of actual policies, the formulation of strategies for its implementation, and the implementation of policies. Policy development (WHO, 2005) requires a high level of commitment and commitment on the part of the employer

Most workers suffer from mental health problems, depending on the health services offered by the private sector, the Government and NGOs for their treatment. It is very important that these services be available and be of the highest quality. In addition, a mental health strategy for persons suffering from mental illness should be developed within the framework of the health and safety policy. For the policy to be well developed (Atkins & Weiss, 2002 )/, a high level of commitment and commitment from employers are required

However, there are two problems that face the introduction and implementation of mental health policies in the workplace, although they are not solutions. First, employers strongly believe that profits are higher when employees work long hours, and responses to psychological problems can be very costly for them. Most staff do not understand the mental health and productivity of employees. Second employers who work in small businesses and with several employees can only understand the need to address mental health problems in large organizations, but not small businesses like them. Thus, these business owners rely on government and existing mental health services (Shaw et al., 2003)

Third, stakeholders can resist the development and implementation of mental health policies, as well as related policies. This is because they may not be aware of the impact of mental health on productivity and productivity in the workplace. It is important to consult and evaluate stakeholders in the implementation and development of policies. For example, demonstration of projects and discussion of n meetings can help people understand better (NIMH, n.d)

At the national level, the Ministry of Health is assisting the Government in formulating mental health policies, providing a framework for mental health promotion and implementing mental health strategies. In fact, mental health policy should define the link between employee health and work (WHO, 2005). The Government has a mandate to promote mental health, to prevent mental problems and to ensure the correct treatment of mental illness. The Government has also put pressure on jobs in prevention and promotion strategies. In addition, the Government is the employer. However, administrative structures are highly dependent on how they control the work of persons with mental disabilities

Mental illness contributes to disability and is associated with many problems, such as unemployment, poverty, lack of education and other problems. The unemployment rate is high among the unemployed. Unemployment also has a significant impact on human health and well-being (INDH, n.d.). In addition, unsafe jobs may also cause health problems. For example, temporary workers point to a greater number of difficulties in comparison with permanent workers. In this regard, organizations and public authorities should develop and implement various strategies to support persons with mental disabilities. Policies should address issues such as employment, income protection, retention, and security for persons with mental disabilities (SAMSAA, 2003). Other mental health strategies and regulations must be directed at the employer’s duty to ensure a safe working environment. They must oblige employers to guarantee security in the workplace

American Psychiatric Association (2004).

Atkins, A(ALL)  & Weiss, H. (2002).

National Institute of Mental Health (undated) for mental health. Received on 9 November 2013 from

So-WS et al. (2003).

Office of Drug Abuse and Mental Health (2003).

United Nations (2000).

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